Lungu Is Willing To Meet ‘The Church’ – Wina

Vice President Inonge Wina says President Edgar Lungu is very much willing to meet the church.
Responding to questions in Parliament during the vice president’s question time, Mrs. Wina said the President had other national matters to attend to the reason why he could not meet the three church mother bodies who recently said their attempts to meet the president failed.
Ms Wina says the church can use line ministries if they fail to facilitate a meeting with President Lungu through his aides.
She says the Church ought to know that the president is a very busy person and it is somehow difficult to make an appointment with him given the fact that he occupies a very busy office in the land.
Meanwhile, the Vice President has refuted claims that President Lungu has declared his readiness to engage in violent activities.
Responding to a question by UPND Kabompo Member of Parliament Ambrose Lufuma who wanted to know the position of the government over President Lungu’s declaration of his readiness to violence, Mrs. Wina said the President detests violence.

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