Letter: Zambia’s Alarming Divorce Rate

Greetings to you ADMIN.

Please post for me. Did you know? Zambia recorded about 29 000 divorce cases in the year 2017. This must not surprise us because we know the reason. Our generation has lost tradition and culture. We have no regard for our roots because technology and Western culture has taken over. Diet has also sparked a new era in abnormal sexual appetite.

Infidelity has engraved our right thinking and we fall prey to vile affections. We all hide in the name of ‘modern days’ thereby neglecting the prospect of healthy and wise living.

Telemundo and Zee World has erased reality and rubber stamped our minds with fantasy. Most street kids don’t qualify to roam the streets, but because we let our trousers and skirts to control our thinking. Think about it! If Half of the 29,000 divorce cases can translate into an HIV VIRUS, how many more pending patients should we prepare to welcome in the arena of sickness?

And if half of the 29,000 divorced have an average of 4 children, how many more street kids should we prepare to dispense in the streets? Zambia, we have deeply disappointed God has a Christian Nation. We have sold our moral obligations to the desires of the flesh.

It is not and will never be the government’s responsibility to ensure that we imitate Christ Jesus, but it’s a personal responsibility. That’s why even at the judgment day Satan will deny having tempted you because he’s never had you in his register.


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