LAZ speaks on current political developments

By Ruth Chayinda

The Law Association of Zambia -LAZ- says government institutions should not meddle in the internal affairs of political parties.

But Chief Government Spokesperson, CORNELIUS MWEETWA says Government institutions that find themselves dealing with a political party in their line of duty should not be misunderstood to be meddling in the affairs of the opposition.

Commenting on the developments surrounding the opposition Patriotic Front, LAZ President LUNGISANI ZULU said the authenticity of the purported list of Patriotic Front –PF- Office bearers should be done by the courts.

Speaking at a press briefing, Mr. ZULU also urged government to embrace divergent views and not misunderstand stakeholders’ views on national matters.

But Mr. MWEETWA who is also Information and Media Minister said institutions whose mandate is to carry out a function should not be regarded as interference but service provision.

Mr. MWEETWA also said the concern by LAZ that there is an increased number of arrests of opposition party members is worrisome because the Association understands fully the requirements of the rule of law.

He said the law is not affiliated to any political party but anyone who violates it will be at variance with the law regardless of being a politician.

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