By Hector Simfukwe- Several Lawyers have sent their messages of condolence following the death of chief Justice IREEN MAMBILILA.

Prominent Lusaka Lawyer JONAS ZIMBA says Justice MAMBILIMA was a principled woman who defended the constitution with integrity.

Mr. ZIMBA told ZNBC News that Zambia has lost a humble woman who led by example.

And Lusaka Lawyer KELVIN BWALYA described Justice MAMBILIMA as a mother who guided young lawyers.

Mr. BWALYA said the legal fraternity has suffered a huge blow because she provided direction to the bench and the judiciary.

And Senior Lawyer MILNER KATOLO told ZNBC News that Zambia has lost a vibrant and stable legal mind.

Mr. KATOLO said Justice MAMBILIMA never harassed lawyers whenever she was conducting trails in her court room.

Another senior Lawyer LUBINDA LINYAMA said justice MAMBILIMA served the judiciary with diligence and commitment to the tenets of the rule of law.

And Lusaka lawyer KEITH MWEEMBA said a number of lawyers benefited from justice MAMBILIMAS knowledge when she worked as lecturer at ZIALE.

Justice MAMBILIMA died yesterday in Egypt, Cairo where she went for national duties.

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