Lamba Chief Condemns Govt For Neglecting Traditional Leaders

Senior Chief Kalilele of the Lamba speaking people in Mushindamo district has commended government for looking into the welfare of traditional leaders countrywide.

He said it is pleasing to note that government is paying attention to the needs of all chiefs by providing them with decent accommodation.

“I am happy that the palace which government is building for me is nearing completion, soon I will occupy the modern house,” the traditional leader said.

The senior chief said this when the Patriotic Front (PF) North-western provincial leadership paid a courtesy call on him at his palace.

He also expressed gratitude to government for creating Mushindamo and Kalumbila districts as well as completing reconstruction of the much talked about Solwezi-Chingola road.

Meanwhile, PF Provincial Chairperson Jackson Kungo said President Edgar Lungu means well for the traditional leaders and will continue supporting them in all their endeavors so that development can reach all parts of the country.

Mr Kungo said the construction of chiefs palaces will continue in North western province until all the chiefs have decent accommodation.

Read this article from the original source: Lamba Chief Condemns Govt For Neglecting Traditional Leaders.

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