“KBF Volunteers to Defend Father Mukosa”
… He says ZMP will not stand idly by as the country slides into dictatorship, and the rights are gradually being stripped away.
By Francis Maingaila
Lusaka, Zambia24 (07-04-2024) – Zambia Must Prosper (ZMP) President Kelvin Bwalya Fube (KBF) has volunteered to defend Father Andrew Chewe Mukosa should the police intend to prosecute him.
Fube told Zambia24 in a statement that there is nothing wrong with the Catholic Church or with other progressive churches, reverend pastors, bishops, or any other individuals speaking out about injustices in our country, social inequalities, poor living standards, high living costs, and abuse of power by the government.
According to Fube, the UPND government is gradually becoming dictatorial, and this is something that must be fought to save our democracy.
He said Zambia Must Prosper will not stand idly by as the country slides into dictatorship, and the rights are gradually being stripped away.
He said ZMP believes that democracy must flourish, and for this to happen, the people must fight for it.
“I wish to put this on record that we stand firmly with Father Chewe Mukosa who has been summoned by the police for questioning. We are ready to offer legal services if needed.
He vowed to defend the democracy of this country, its constitution, and the freedoms therein, including freedom of speech, assembly, association, and science, among others.