Kampyongo warns Hichilema

The government has warned UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema to manage his political frustrations responsibly and avoid anything that brings him into conflict with the law.Acting Information Minister Stephen Kampyongo says government has observed with amusement the UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema’s growing frustration at the prospects of losing an election for the sixth time.Mr Kampyongo says his statement against ECZ chairperson justice Essau Chulu as reported on his facebook and twitter pages is not only intimidating but tantamount to inciting citizens into civil disobedience against government.He says Mr Hichilema knows that he is miles behind the PF administration President Lungu’s support and popularity from the people ahead of 2021 election.In a statement to ZNBC News, Mr Kampyongo says that was why Mr Hichilema has taken to attacking innocent public operatives such as the Justice Chulu on unfounded and unmerited allegation.He also alleged that Mr Hichilema is a dictator haunted by his own shadow of a serial loser.Mr Kampyongo, who is also Home Affairs Minister, said that Government will NOT allow any politician let alone Mr Hichilema to get away with such unbecoming and dictatorial conduct.The Minister stressed that Zambia remains one of the shining examples of stable and peaceful democracy and Mr Hichilema should not be allowed to dent that impeccable record. Post Views: 3
News Source: ZNBC

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