Kamba Warns Kambwili… The PF Youth Will Deal With You

Patriotic Front(PF) Lusaka Province Youth Chairman Kennedy Kamba has warned expelled Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili to watch his mouth or else he will be politically bruised.

And Kamba says he will not stop mingling with the grassroot if that is a reason they are accusing him of scheming to  take over the position of Chairperson for  Lusaka Province.

Reacting to Kambwili’s statement that President Edgar Lungu is a bad man, Kamba  backed PF Secretary General Davis Mwila’s remark that the mouth is the worst enemy of  the Roan MP.

Kamba said Kambwili should tone down on his insults or else the youth will deal with him ruthlessly.

He said as Lusaka Youth Chairperson, he will not sit idle and watch Kambwili insulting President Lungu and the PF.

“Honourable Kambwili better tame his mouth or else the youths will deal with him. He should not push his luck so far. We will put him where he belongs,” Kamba warned.

He said Kambwili just exaggerates his popularity, saying the governing party is just waiting patiently for the Roan Constituency seat to be declared vacant so that the adopted candidate  punishes Kambwili.

” We are just waiting for the court process to finish so that we move in Kambwili’s Constituency,” the PF youth leader said.

And Kamba has distanced himself from talks that he wants to be Lusaka Province Chairperson and that he is destabilizing the party.

Lusaka Province Chairperson Horace Longwe had written to Kamba asking him to exculpate himself for destabilizing the party and eyeing his position.

But President Lungu intervened in the matter and asked the top party leadership to reconcile the two.

But Kamba said he has no intentions of eyeing a higher position.

He said he is best positioned as Lusaka Province Chairperson.

“Ine, I am man of the people. So if they see me mingling with youths in compounds does it mean  am campaigning and destabilizing the party? No, no, no batemwa fye kulanda landa (They just like talking),” Kamba said.

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