Kabushi MP Lusambo upbeat about road project

December 28, 2019December 28, 20197By Musenge Mulimba-Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo says government will start working on township roads in Ndola’s Kabushi constituency in April 2020.Mr Lusambo said the contractor will be on site after the rainy season to start working on all main roads and some township roads.Speaking during a meeting with PF party structures in Kabushi,Ndola, Mr. Lusambo who is also Lusaka Province Minister said apart from the roads, a skills training centre and a police station will be built in Kabushi.Mr Lusambo further said more youth and women will be empowered next year as money has been set aside to fund various business proposals.The Kabushi law maker also urged the people of Kabushi to vote for President Edgar Lungu in the 2021 general election just like they did in 2016 so that developmental projects could continue.Mr Lusambo also urged the party officials to work hard to mobilise more members to the party ahead of the 2021 general elections.And Mr Lusambo donated K50,000 to be shared among all the eight wards in his constituency. Post Views: 7
News Source: ZNBC

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