By Ruth Chayinda

Retired Chief Justice ERNEST SAKALA says Justice DENNIS CHIRWA will be remembered for his remarkable contribution to the country’s justice system.

Justice SAKALA says the retired Justice CHIRWA was a man who had a noble character that lived beyond the courtroom.

Speaking during the Church Service, Retired Justice SAKALA said he will always remember him as a brother and will continue to hold onto the memories shared .

And the widow to Retired Justice CHIRWA, thanked God for the opportunity she had to be a part of his life.

BEATRICE CHIRWA in a speech read on her behalf said the 15 years shared will always be memorable as she further pledged to continue to honor the love shared.

And, Children to the deceased who were represented by KESSY SIMWAKA described their father as a hard working man who was always present to give advice and help others when need arises.

And in a sermon St Colombus Presbyterian Church Reverend, CHALA HABASILA encouraged the mourners to hold onto God as they face this difficult period in their lives.

Secretary to Cabinet PATRICK KANGWA, Former Vice President ENOCH KAVINDELE, Chief Justice Dr. MUMBA MALILA are among the mourners.

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