Antonio at DEC

Lusaka ~ Tue, 21 Sept 2021

By Brightwell Chabusha

PF member of the Central Committee Antonio Mwanza has said it is political witch-hunt for the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) to summon him over the party’s funding in the August 12 election when there were 16 parties participating.

The former opposition PF Media Director said the UPND government is using Law Enforcement Institutions to kill the opposition party.

Mr Mwanza argued that there is no law that compels political parties to reveal the source of funding.

He wondered why DEC is only targeting PF out of the 16 political parties that participated in this year’s elections.

“I was called here to disclose source of funding for the Patriotic Front. What surprises me is that there were 16 political parties that participated in elections and so far only the Patriotic Front is a political party that is being questioned,” he said.

“So this clearly is a case of political witch-hunt and we know that government wants to use institutions such Drug Enforcement Commission to kill the Patriotic Front, to kill democracy and to create a one party state. The laws of this land are very clear, that there is nobody who is compelled to state the source of funding for their political party.”

Mr Mwanza said DEC should also call UPND in the same way they have called the opposition PF.

He also mentioned that PF will not be finished, adding that it will remain a strong opposition party and the people’s voice against injustices among other issues.

News Source: ZambiaReports

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