I’ll create jobs and be your servant, Mnangagwa tells Zimbabweans

Zimbabwe president Designate Emmerson Mnangagwa has pledged that he will be the servant of the people.

Addressing members of the ruling ZANU-PF, Mnangagwa said Zimbabwe was witnessing the beginning of democracy.

Mnangagwa who was an ally of President Robert Mugabe and achetect if the 37 years reign of oppression rule, thanked the Army and people of Zimbabwe for being peaceful during the military takeover. He said was always in contact of the Military.

He has promised to push for Economic and social development that would result in job creation. He emphasized the need for job creation as the crowd of dozens of his supporters applauded him.

Mnangagwa told supporters that he was also in touch with leaders of SADC who had praised the peaceful manner Mugabe had been forced to resign. He said he informed Mugabe to respect the will of the people who wanted him to go.

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