By Sharon Kunda-

President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA says there is need to deal with the cost of fertilizer so that productivity of food is at a low cost.

President HICHILEMA says Government is working together with farmers and fertilizer suppliers to see that the cost of fertilizer is reduced and to have the commodity produced locally.

He says Government will work to resolve challenges in the economy and that this will resolve challenges faced by citizens such as availability and cost of food.

President HICHILEMA says his Administration wants to grow the economy so as to create jobs for citizens and better their lives.

The Head of State said this to journalists after an engagement with Fertilizer Suppliers at a Symposium organized by the Zambia National Farmers Union at Mulungushi International Conference centre in Lusaka today.

President HICHILEMA said the country has a challenge NOT to reduce on production in the agriculture sector and to ensure that farmers continue to produce more.

He said it is his Administration’s ambition that farmers produce enough for the local market as well as export to the region.

President HICHILEMA said Government is working together with farmers and fertilizer suppliers to see that the cost of fertilizer is reduced and to have the commodity produced locally.

And Zambia National Farmers Union President JARVIS ZIMBA said the various stakeholders are trying to resolve the issue of productivity and the cost of production so that the prices of fertilizer are affordable.

Mr. ZIMBA noted that the current prices of fertilizer are too high for small scale farmers, hence the need to address the matter.

He said it is for this reason that the Symposium has been held so that Government, together with farmers and fertilizer suppliers can find an amicable solution to the challenges.

Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister REUBEN MTOLO said President HICHILEMA has political will to ensure that the agriculture sector thrives.

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