HH taken back to Mukobeko, says he will fight to the end

Treason charged Zambia’s leading opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema and his five co-accused have now been moved back to Mukobeko Maximum Security prison in Kabwe.

And Hichilema has charged that he fight to the end to ensure that Zambia’s democracy is protected.

Hichilema or HH as he is commonly called was moved today, Wednesday, July 12, 2017. Giving an update on his being taken to Mukobeko, Hichilema called on Zambians to remain strong saying it is dark before dawn.

“This is to let you know that we have again been taken back to Mukobeko maximum prison, Central, Zambia.

The state has moved us from Chimbokaila prison in the capital city, Lusaka to Mukobeko where are we right now.

We call on you out there to remain strong and watchful of each other, especially our country’s democracy and always remember that it’s darker before dawn and to everything there is an end, this includes life.

For now, our stay here is unpredictable, but we can state that our country’s democracy is under threat and we must all rise to defend it, as for us we will to the end.

We are strong and stronger together with you all.

God bless you all,

God bless our country.”

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