By Moombe Haamobola

President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA is in Livingstone where he is scheduled to officiate at the Law Association of Zambia- LAZ- annual conference.

President HICHILEMA’s plane touched down at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport at 10:05 hours.

President HICHILEMA who is accompanied by Home Affairs Minister JACK MWIIMBU, was received by Southern Province Minister CORNELIUS MWEETWA, Justice Minister MULAMBO HAIMBE and Southern Province Permanent Secretary NAMANI MONZE.

Others are Livingstone Mayor CONSTANCE MULEABAI, Southern Province UPND chairperson BILLIARD MAKWEMBO, Livingstone District Commissioner EUNICE NAWA and District commissioners from within the province, senior government officials and party officials.

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