Harmful practice or useful tradition?- the case of female genital elongation

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
So His Royal Highness, Senior Chief Madzimawe has caused a social media storm by refering to a harmful practice that is prevalent in Zambia, and in Eastern and Southern Africa.
At the African Union, together with our partners, and because of the sensitivity of certain matters, we have involved traditional leaders in helping reform our societies, help remove harmful practices that are steeped in tradition and to help save the lives of the most vulnerable, especially children and women.
The most contested matters are issues relating to sexual and reproductive health(as issues of sex, abortions and questionable contraceptives are discussed), sexual rights and gender(LGBTQ issues, Africa is extremely conservative about such matters) and comprehensive sexuality education (Africa is sensitive about introducing graphic sexual education, and matters to children), and gender identity and expression matters (as this has gone beyond male and female but Africa remains steeped in tradition and culture).
The debate are therefore robust and the mechanisms are many. But these are all aimed at protecting the African family, that the girl child is kept away from abuse and kept in school, children’s welfare is protected and provided for and women are empowered to make better livelihoods for themselves and the family.
To this extent, Zambia and His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu is Champion against Child Marriages, while Burkina Faso’s President, His Excellency Roch Christian Kaboré is the Champion against Female Genital Mutilation(FGM) while Ghana’s President His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo is the Champion against Gender-based Violence.
Now His Royal Highness, Senior Chief Madzimawe and Chief Chamuka are attending the 4th African Union Specialized Technical Committee on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (STC on GEWE) here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The Meeting is reviewing the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 25 years after its adoption (Beijing +25 review).
In his side media interview, Chief Madzimawe made reference to the issue regarding female genital mutilation.
He said in Eastern and Southern Region, a form of female genital mutilation has been identified and is practiced widely.
So it is this matter that has attracted my view here.
Labia minora elongation (LME) is a female genital modification practice that has been categorized among the types included in the fourth group of female genital mutilation.
Labia stretching, also referred to as labia elongation or labia pulling, is the act of lengthening the labia minora (the inner lips of the female genitals) through manual manipulation (pulling).
It is a familial cultural practice in many parts of Eastern  and Southern Africa.
It is performed for sexual enhancement of both partners, or for aesthetics, or for symmetry or for personal gratification.
The practice is considered to bring sexual health and well-being of women.
But recent research has identified it as an act of girl-child abuse.
Research has recognised that girls and women suffer familial and social pressure, as failure to conform to the practice make them feel less adequate or less women.
Further there is concern that the caustic herbs used alongside the practice especially in traditional setting might cause untold health consequences to the women.
Recently various researches have been conducted and have established and categorize it as a harmful traditional practice.
We might need more research, but information gathered so far has put it on the radar in regard to the physical and psychological health and well-being of females.
And it is also not in dispute that many leading women organizations have identified this matter as part of harmful practices that endanger the psychological, sexual and well being of girls and women.
So bana Chimbusa should partner with our researchers and medical doctors so that a conclusive position is established, in order to preserve the well-being of the girl child and the woman.

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