Govt will not interfere in traditional affairs – HH

By Prince Chiyuni

President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA says his administration will NOT interfere in traditional affairs.

President HICHILEMA has however appealed to traditional leaders to always resolve succession disputes amicably

He was speaking when he met Paramount Chief CHITIMUKULU, of the Bemba people of Northern Province at Community House today.

President HICHILEMA further said Government remains committed to uniting the country.

Meanwhile, President HICHILEMA said the UPND admiration will ensure that the dignity of traditional leaders is restored.

President HICHILEMA said this is why his Government will ensure that it provides decent accommodation and water reticulation to Chiefs.

And speaking earlier, Paramount Chief CHITIMUKULU thanked President HICHILEMA, for the moral and material support provided to him, even the time he was still in opposition.

Paramount Chief CHITIMUKULU has also expressed happiness and satisfaction with the manner the UPND Government is handling the rebuilding of the economy.

The traditional leader further said Chiefs are there to support the Government to develop the country and NOT to be antagonistic.

Paramount Chief CHITIMUKULU has also praised the Government for the recruitment of teachers and health workers.

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