Government says it owes over one thousand contractors money for various projects that were contracted by the previous regime.

Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Minister, CHARLES MILUPI disclosed that the contracts are currently being reviewed and that when the process is complete the issue will be brought back to the National Assembly.

Mr MILUPI has however emphasised that government is not going to abandon the projects.

He was speaking in parliament in response to Mpika Member of Parliament FRANCIS KAMPYANGA who wanted to know why government intends to terminate the contracts.

This was during Question for Oral Answer Session in which the Nakonde Member of Parliament LUCAS SIMUMBA asked the Minister why works on the Nakonde-Kanyala road has stalled.

Meanwhile, Mr MILUPI has revealed that only four percent of works were done for the Nakonde-Kanyala road.

He has acknowledged that the road has been in a bad state since 2008.

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