Focus on your parliamentary duties, Wina tells MPs


Vice-President Inonge Wina has told members of parliament to desist from the jostling for positions in government and concentrate on their Parliamentary duties.

Speaking during the oral question and answer session in Parliament on Friday, Wina noted that the country was facing serious developmental challenges hence leaders should stop scrambling for government positions but instead concentrate on contributing to the development of the country.

“Madam Speaker, this country faces a lot of developmental challenges that leaders should worry about but this insistence on the Presidency by our leaders leaves me to wonder whether we actually want to develop this country or we just want to be in State House, so I would like to urge my fellow members of parliament and other members out there that please, let us focus on the challenges that our country faces. So that we come out of this situation as a country and not just to be scrambling for positions almost on daily basis, I thank you Madam Speaker,” said Wina.

And Wina told the House that farmers who have not yet been paid their money by FRA would be given all that was due to them by Monday next week.

“The concerns of the honourable member for Mwembeshi constituency are the concerns of government as well because we know that our farmers depend on these farming activities to enhance their livelihoods. Because of that, government has taken note and has instructed the Minister of Finance to release funds to FRA to pay farmers. The Minister has promised that by Monday next week money will reach FRA coffers and the farmers will be paid. Thank you,”

said Vice-President Wina in responding to Mwembeshi Independent member of Parliament Machila Chamba who wanted to know when farmers, especially in his constituency were going to be paid.

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