European Council President CHARLES MICHEL has commended Zambia for supporting the decision of the 74th session of the World Health Assembly to develop a World Health Organisation -WHO- convention agreement on pandemic preparedness and response.

In his congratulatory message to President EDGAR LUNGU, the European Council president is confident that Zambia and the international community will use the upcoming Special Session of the Health Assembly in November this year as an opportunity to take bold
and decisive actions at global level.

This will be to address health threats and prevent future pandemics.

Mr. MICHEL looks forward to the European Council and Zambia working together in addressing any outstanding issues in order to pave way for the commencement of inter-governmental negotiations for a legally binding international treaty rooted firmly in the WH
constitution to reform the global health architecture.

This is contained in a statement issued to ZNBC news by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations, ISAAC CHIPAMPE.

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