Eric Chanda Backs Referendum

Eric-Chanda-The referendum call has continued winning backers with Fourth Revolution Party leader Eric Chanda calling on citizens to vote Yes.

Chanda said the referendum should not been allowed to fail having been advocated for a long time by the civil society and other players in the political sphere.

For the referendum to succeed there will be need for 50% of eligible voters to participate.

“The issue of the referendum is non-negotiable let us vote yes and give parliament the chance to change the bill of rights,” he said.

The referendum will be alongside the August 11 elections with some proponents stepping up the campaign to ensure it is not drowned out by the elections.

Citizens will vote on the referendum questions couched as follows: Do you agree to the amendment to the Constitution to enhance the Bill of rights contained in Part III of the Constitution of Zambia and to repeal and replace Article 79 of the Constitution of Zambia?”

The post Eric Chanda Backs Referendum appeared first on Zambia Reports.

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