Engage traders before building new markets-Nkombo

Patricia Banda-Local Government and Rural Development Minister GARY NKOMBO says there is need by all Local Authorities that plan to construct new markets to engage traders before moving them to new sites.

Mr. NKOMBO says this is because traders have been deserting new markets to trade on the streets which is unhygienic.

He has observed that in the past some councils have built some state of the art infrastructure such as Nakadoli market in Kitwe and others that have remained unoccupied.

Mr. NKOMBO was speaking after Mongu Municipal Council Acting Director of Engineering JONES SIANGANDU told him that traders will be moving from Kashumba market to a new site, Kasimba bulk Market.

This was when he visited the construction site of the 2-point 7-million Kwacha market in Mongu.

Mr. NKOMBO emphasised the need for Mongu Municipal Council to engage the traders and explain why they should move to a new site.

Meanwhile, Mr. SIANGANDU explained that the traders at Kashumba Market are moving because it is on an illegal plot.

He explained that the market has no toilets for a population of about 730 traders and others who come in from as far as Mwinilunga in North western province, Sikongo and Kaoma among others to off load various merchandise.

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