Electoral Violence Worries Pres. Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has expressed concern that political violence has resurfaced in the country as witnessed in some parts of the country where there are by-elections.

President Lungu said this at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport shortly before departure for Angola to attend the Southern African Development Community (SADC) double Troika Summit of Heads of State and Government in Luanda, which starts tomorrow, 24th April, 2018.

He says it is the duty of political party leaders in the country to ensure their followers do not engage in such negative vices.

President Lungu hopes that there will be no violence during the voting in Tuesday’s by-elections.

Meanwhile, President Lungu says he remains committed to dialogue despite indications from some political party leaders opposed to the proposed roadmap.

He says the dialogue process should go ahead because of it importance to the country.

President Lungu says he is pleased with the efforts coming from stakeholders who want to see the dialogue process succeed.

And President Lungu has disclosed that his Angolan counterpart João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço will be coming to Zambia in May for bilateral talks.

Source: Qfm

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