“Debunking false tribal claims”
… The Public Protector Dedication is dedicated to truth and integrity in governance
By Francis Maingaila
Lusaka, Zambia24 (05/03/2024) – Sokoni, the Public Protector, has refuted claims suggesting systematic tribal cleansing, branding them as unsubstantiated media propaganda.
In a statement to Zambia24, Sokoni clarified that there are no complaints or investigations regarding tribal discrimination within the civil service or ethnic cleansing.
She highlighted ongoing investigations into the indefinite placement of civil servants at the PSMD, emphasizing the violation of established protocols.
Sokoni assured the public that findings will be made public upon conclusion, following communication procedures to inform affected parties beforehand.
She stressed the importance of media verification to prevent misinformation and uphold national security.
Sokoni’s call for responsible journalism underscores the significance of truth and transparency in governance.
Her office prioritizes integrity and accountability, debunking false claims and addressing genuine issues.