Civil Aviation Authorities in Africa still remain under invested, Dr Jim Belemu says

THE Chief Executive Officer for Mahogany Air, Dr Jim Belemu yesterday charged that aviation regulators, the Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) in Africa were under invested hence are falling short of expertise, either by number and knowledge to effectively play their regulatory role.
The CAAs in Africa have the potential to contribute to the growth of the aviation sector but there is limited or lack of investment in expertise, while the regulated (operators of airlines) are heavily investing in expertise to equal the task of operating. This has in most cases rendered the CAAs reactive in their regulatory functions than guiding and building capacities in the industry.

This was during the panel discussion on regulations, roles of CAAs and Governments at the ongoing African Business Aviation Association (AfBAA), Safety and Aviation Business, Chaired by Mr Nick Fadugba. Many African Aviators from different African countries are converged to discuss Safety and Aviation Business in general in Nairobi Kenya.
On the role of Government, Dr Belemu said effort was seen from Governments not to interfere but create enabling development of the sector, which is as it should be.
He said although most countries in the continent were still using the Bi- lateral service Agreements ( BASA) despite having signed the Yamoussoukro declaration to open African skies to aviation business. The BASAs are Agreements between two contracting countries to operate on agreed terms but are restrictive in areas of frequency, capacity and type of Aircraft, etc.
Such regulations we see them as a hindrance to growth of the Aviation industry. It is in this respect that recommendations are made to Governments to implement the policies of the Yamoussoukro decision ( open skies).

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