Chipata Flock Pray for Economy

EVANGELICAL Fellowship of Zambia Eastern Province secretary Bishop Andrew Biemba says Zambians should look up to God for the economic problems that the country is going through.

Bishop Biemba said people should not point fingers at the President or the government for the problems that they face.

“This is not time to point fingers at the President and his government and his people that they are not with you; this is not the time to point fingers at our church leaders. This is the time to come together as Zambians, forget the political affiliation, forget about the religious affiliation. You are here because you are the child of God, pray to God and God shall answer you,” he said.

Bishop Biemba said Zambia was not the only country which was facing economic problems.

Eastern Province Secretary Chanda Kasolo who graced the occasion said

President Edgar Lungu was inspired by God to declare the Day of Prayer and fasting.

Kasolo called for unity among the Zambians.

“Some people thought that when President Lungu declared this day a day of national prayer and fasting, they didn’t understand that this was directed by God,” he said.

Kasolo said President Lungu did not come up with the day of prayer and fasting out of dreaming.

He said President Lungu was a very spiritual man.

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