CHIPAKUPAKU challenges the Defence Force

Ministry of Defence Permanent Secretary NORMAN CHIPAKUPAKU has urged the Zambian Defence Force to use their skills in finding solutions to the challenges facing the country.

Mr. CHIPAKUPAKU says Zambia must learn from the Indian military as it has achieved a lot by identifying challenges facing the country and devising corresponding solutions.

He observes that the Indian Defence Force has invested immensely in research and development that they are able to produce enough equipment from small arms to bigger artillery, mainly based on their needs.

Mr. CHIPAKUPAKU was speaking at the Defence Exposition 2022 in the Indian State of Gujarat on Friday after a tour of some of the military equipment manufactured by India.

And India’s Prime Minister, NARENDRA MODI who graced the event said his country is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Africa in every need from medicines to peace missions.

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