‘Central Province ripe for investment’

CENTRAL Province Minister Sydney Mushanga has said the region is ripe for investment from Indian based companies.
Mr Mushanga said the province was attractive for investment due to its central location and vast land had been secured from traditional leaders for enterprise development in Mining, Tourism and Agriculture, among other sectors.
He said he had followed up on 22 potential investors from the Indian coastal city of Goa,who were recently in Zambia under the Goa-Lusaka trade and tourism mission, organised by the Zambian High Commission in India and Business Networking India (BNI).
Mr Mushanga was speaking on arrival in Goa, India for a five day working visit to gunner support for the forthcoming Central Province investment expo in October.
“Investors from Goa are aggressive, one of them has invested in a manganese processing plant in Serenje, while the other has invested in a pharmaceutical processing plant in the Lusaka South Multi Facility Economic Zone,” he said.
This is according to a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday by First Secretary for Press and Tourism at the Zambian mission in India, Bangwe Naviley.
Zambia’s High Commissioner to India Judith Kapijimpanga said the mission would do everything possible to market the expo within the region and surrounding areas.
Ms Kapijimpanga said the mission wanted to actualise President Edgar Lungu’s desire of promoting economic diplomacy into tangible benefits for the country.
She said Indian president Ram Nath Kovind’s recent visit to Zambia had opened doors for the country to tap maximum benefits from the Asian economic giant.

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