CBU Stakeholders Union Condemns Decision By The Ministry Of Labour

The Copperbelt University Stakeholders Union says the Ministry of Labour and Social Security should be proactive in addressing the injustices employees are going through.

The union has condemned the decision by the Ministry of Labour to terminate the recognition Agreement between UNZA management and the University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers Union.

The Ministry of Labour approved the termination of the recognition agreement between the University of Zambia management and the University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers Union (UNZALARU), which the union has said it will challenge in the courts of law.

But the CBU Stakeholders Union spokesperson Dr. Derrick Ntalasha said the decision to revoke the recognition Agreement was not done in good faith and is so harsh.

He said continued challenges in higher learning institutions such as perpetual salary delays, unpaid gratuities and erratic government funding, among others, have not been addressed.

“University councils owe public university staff huge sums of money in unpaid gratuities, pension and NAPSA contributions. These have remained unpaid for far too long. Further government is failing to release the grants to universities on time to enable them to pay salaries to workers on time,” Dr. Ntalasha said.

“Employees have suffered injustices for too long at the hands of university councils and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has only been reactive and not proactive when it comes to handling such injustices.”

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