Category: Latest News

HRC urges voters to turn up & vote on Thursday

Commission Chief of Information, Education and Training, Mweelwa Muleya The Human Rights Commission is urging all registered voters in areas where local government by-elections are taking place tomorrow to turn up in large numbers to exercise their democratic right to vote. And the Commission has commended the Patriotic Front and the United Party for National…

K1.3 billion mobilized to pay contractors

The ministerial committee on infrastructure development has mobilized a total of K1.3 billion towards payment of contractors undertaking government projects. The Committee which comprises the Ministers of Finance, Housing and Infrastructure Development, Higher Education, General Education, Tourism and Arts, Home Affairs, Water and Sanitation, Transport and Communication, Agriculture, Local Government, Youth and Sport and Health,…

ZBPI survey ranks Zambia Police as most corrupt

The Zambia Bribe Payers Index (ZBPI) survey has ranked the Zambia Police Service particularly the traffic department as the most corrupt among public institutions in the country. According to the report of the survey which is jointly conducted by the Anti Corruption Commission and Transparency International Zambia, between 2014 and 2017, the likelihood of one…

Zambia U17 Booted Out of Cosafa

Zambia U17 Booted Out of Cosafa | Zambia Reports Home Sport Zambia U17 Booted Out of Cosafa The Zambia Under-17 national team has been booted out of the 2018 Cosafa Castle Cup capping a nightmare 48 hours of youth football after the Under-20 were also eliminated from the Niger 2019 qualifiers. Zambia suffered a 2-1…

CYSLA Seeks Permanent Solution to PF/UPND Violence

CYSLA Seeks Permanent Solution to PF/UPND Violence | Zambia Reports Home Politics CYSLA Seeks Permanent Solution to PF/UPND Violence Centre for Young Leaders in Africa (CYLA) Communications Director Gerald Chiluba says his organisation has taken advantage of the peace accord signed by the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) and the opposition United Party for National Development…
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