Boy dies after being kicked in the genitals by sister, Police say

AN 18-YEAR-OLD woman of Chiengi District in Luapula Province has allegedly killed her brother by kicking him in the genitals.
Police have instituted a manhunt for the suspect identified as Priscovia Mumba. It is alleged that the suspect in Isoni Village, Chief Mununga on Tuesday around 16:00 hours picked a quarrel with her 15 year old brother who is now deceased and in the process kicked him on the private parts.
Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo has confirmed the development to Mwebantu in a statement and has identified the deceased as Marvelous Kabuta.
Katongo said after being kicked on the private parts, the victim fell to the ground and became unconscious.
She said the victim was certified dead after he was rushed to Kabole Rural Health Centre.
Meanwhile, Katongo said the cause of the misunderstanding has not been established yet.
And Katongo said physical inspection of the body showed no visible injuries and the body has been deposited in the mortuary awaiting postmortem.

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