Author: Tumfweko

Musenge: PF Are Liars & Desperate, Kambwili Has Not Sent Any Proxies To Lungu

Dr. Chishimba kambwili has never at any point sent proxies to try and seek reconciliation with President Lungu. Its all lies. The National Democratic Congress NDC wishes to dismiss reports that its consultant Dr. Chishimba kambwili has been using proxies to try and seek reconciliation with president Edgar Lungu. The reports attributed to Pf Secretary

Chitalu Chilufya: Kalaba Will Be Punished

THE best way to punish Harry Kalaba is to develop his constituency which is currently underdeveloped, says Mansa Central PF Member of Parliament, Dr Chitalu Chilufya. Dr. Chilufya pledged to ensure that Bahati constituency received massive economic development. Dr Chilufya said this when he addressed a mammoth public meeting in Bahati constituency. He said the

PF Claims That Kambwili Has Been Sending Emissaries To President Lungu Asking For Forgiveness

For Immediate Release 5th February, 2018 Embattled expelled Roan Member of Parliament, Chishimba Kambwili has been sending emissaries to His Excellency, President Edgar Lungu asking the President to forgive him and allow him back in the Patriotic Front. This came to light yesterday in Kapiri Mposhi, when PF Secretary General, Hon Davies Mwila officially launched

‘She Wanted To Cut Off My Manhood’

A LUSAKA man admitted injuring his wife when he pushed her after she pulled his manhood which she wanted to cut off. Namakando Sitali, 29, of Garden House compound was testifying in a case in which his wife, Elizabeth Phiri, 23, sued him for divorce after separating since December 25, 2017. The two got married

NDC: We Are Not ‘Going To Bed’ With UPND

For immediate Release. NDC NOT GOING INTO AN ALLIANCE WITH THE UPND. =================================== Kitwe. 05.02.2018. The National Democratic Congress NDC wishes to put it on record that the party has no immediate intentions to get into an alliance with the opposition Upnd. The NDC has never engaged in any talks with the Upnd on prospects

Mwila Warns Inactive PF Party Leaders

THE ruling party will not entertain dormant or non-performing leaders in its structures because it has a huge task of mobilising the party from grass root level ahead of the 2021 elections, Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general, Davies Mwila has warned. Mr Mwila said dormant or non-performing leaders at various levels of the party should
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