Author: Tumfweko

ACC Probe In 6 Cases From FIC Report Ongoing

The Anti Corruption Constitution (ACC) says investigations into the six cases it’s following up in the 2017 Financial Intelligence Center (FIC) report are still ongoing. moono accACC Public Relations Manager, Timothy Moono has told Q-News in a statement that investigations are progressing well. Mr Moono could however, not give further details on the progress made

Beware Of This Con Woman On Facebook

This is from a reader of Tumfweko. She was swindled by a woman who pretends to be selling women clothes and accesories. After she was convinced to send the money, he woman in question(photo above) stopped responding to her messages. Don’t be a victim of this lady, she has a blog too where she lists

Koffi Olomide Is Coming – Promoter

Agents of Congolese Rhumba Maestro Koffi Olomide have dismissed media reports that government has denied their client entry into Zambia. Mark Mabalama, one of the agents from Remarkable Limited, a company representing the Congolese musician has told a media briefing in Lusaka that their client has been cleared to perform in the country and will
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