Author: Editor

“Chilubi Terrain Challenges Parties”

February 12, 2020February 12, 202048By Brian Mwale-The opposition People’s Alliance for Change -PAC- says the terrain of Chilubi Constituency has made it difficult for campaigns ahead of tomorrow’s polls.PAC Secretary General Gerald Mulao says ferrying of vehicles onto the Island has been very difficult, while bad roads on the mainland make normal operations for political…

Vote PF-New Congress Party

February 12, 2020February 12, 202071New Congress Party President Peter Chanda has advised the electorate in Chilubi to vote for the ruling PF- Candidate Mulenga Fube as they go to the polls tomorrow.Pastor Chanda says this is because of the developmental projects the PF has spread across the country in the past eight years.He has told…

Police Arrest PF Ndeke Ward Councillor

PF Ndeke ward councillor Aaron Lungu has been arrested by police for obtaining money by false pretenses. Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga confirmed the arrest of Lungu who is accused of having obtained K40,000 cash by purporting that he had a plot for sale. She said Lungu obtained the money from Steven Bwanga, a resident…

Media Told To Sensitize Public On Effects of Tree Cutting

By Etambuyu Katota-The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services has called on the media to help sensitize the public on the negative effects of cutting down trees.Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga says as the country commemorates world radio day tomorrow, the program will include tree planting as a deliberate reminder to the media on their critical…

“Don’t Re-elect Non-performing MPs”

February 12, 2020February 12, 202023President Edgar Lungu has urged voters not to re-elect Members of Parliament that are not performing.President Lungu says citizens expect to be helped when they elect Members of Parliament.He says it is sad that some MPs are not respecting party officials as well as not visiting their constituencies.President Lungu says MPs…

Army Officers Up for Refresher

February 12, 2020February 12, 202044Zambia Army Deputy Commander Major General Sitali Alibuzwi says he will ensure  all army officers go for refresher training to keep abreast with developing trends.Major General Alibuzwi says continuous training will enable officers keep fit and abreast in their field of operation and be more effective.He says it is only when…
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