Author: Editor

Lundazi district experience seven days power blackout

Lundazi District Business Association (LDBA) has lamented that the seven days power blackout has negatively affected the economic growth of the district. LDBA Committee Member Fanson Botha told ZANIS in Lundazi District yesterday that since ZESCO started load shedding last week on Friday, businesses whose operations depend on electricity has been negatively affected. Mr Botha

Zambia Police is not shielding Kaizer Zulu, a docker has been opened against him-Katongo

Police Public Relations officer Esther Mwaata Katongo has said the police service is not in any way shielding President Edgar Lungu’s Political advisor Kaizer Zulu in the alleged assault case purported to have happened during the Total Under 20 final match at Lusaka heroes’ stadium. The Pan African Radio Journalist Hermit Hachilonde reports that, Ms.

Highvie Hamududu resigns from UPND

THERE is too much name-calling, insults, and hatred in the way we conduct politics in Zambia and that is why I have decided to resign from the UPND so that I can explore other platforms to promote new issue-based politics, former UPND Bweengwa Member of Parliament Highvie Hamududu has said. Speaking to the Daily Nation
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