Antonio Mwanza: Opposition Is In Denial

Former FDD Deputy Secretary General Antonio Mwanza says opposition political parties should stop living in denial and accept that the PF government has scored in terms of infrastructure development.

Mr Mwanza says the construction of new universities, schools and hospitals across the country is a huge undertaking by the government.

He says politics should not be about hate and lies but service to the people.

Mr Mwanza says it does not pay to oppose everything even when government is working for Zambians.

He said this when he addressed residents of Muchinga province.

Meanwhile, Mr Mwanza has challenged former Ministers alleging that PF is corrupt to resign if they are to be taken seriously.

He said it is confusing that some former ministers who have accused the PF of corruption are still refusing to leave the alleged corrupt party.

Mr Mwanza urged the people of Muchinga to hold on to the PF because it is the only party that has managed to give them meaningful development since the country’s independence.

Read this article from the original source: Antonio Mwanza: Opposition Is In Denial.

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