Airtel donates computers worth K 45,000 to Mbereshi mission primary school in Luapula province

AIRTEL Zambia has donated five full set computers installed with latest windows software valued at over K45000 to Mbereshi Mission Primary School in Mwansabombwe District of Luapula Province.

The school which has over 600 pupils has been facing a challenge of accessing ICT since the introduction of ICT in schools.
Airtel Luapula Province Zonal Business Manager, Mayimbo Kalengo said the donation is in line with governments plan to scale up e-learning in the delivery of ICT education and training thereby offering improved access to lifelong learning.

“Most of our pupils do not have access to educational ICT facilities hence the result in us donating these computers,’’ Kalengo says.

Kalengo has stated that Airtel is passionate about changing the lives of the vulnerable and believed in unlocking potential among youths in the community.

“We know that government would like to further e-learning to mitigate human resources in some schools especially in rural areas through increased access to electronic educational facilities,” he says.

He says the company would re-affirm their commitment to supplementing government’s efforts in enhancing ICT education in schools.
Kalengo has expressed gratitude to the Ministry of education and said Airtel will continue to invest in the local communities thereby enhancing the social and economic development.

And speaking on behalf of the District Education Board Secretary -DEBS, Mwansabombwe District Education Standards Officer for General Inspection, Bendela Musonda, commended Airtel for the timely donation of the computers to Mbereshi Mission Primary School.

Musonda says the government of Zambia through the Ministry of Education is very grateful with the contribution and investment that co-operating partners such as Airtel Networks Zambia are making in supplementing governments efforts in enhancing the ICT learning –teaching environment and thereby changing lives.

“Airtel has been providing various educational support to schools country wide including Kabumbu Primary School in the district and the donation demonstrates true meaning of corporate social responsibility by donating computers to Mbereshi Mission Primary School,” says Banda.

She says the computers will not only benefit Mbereshi Mission Primary but also improve the quality of teaching and learning for the surrounding schools that do not have access to ICT learning tools.

And Senior Chief Mwata Kazembe has praised Airtel Zambia for donating the computers in his chiefdom.

The Mwata says he acknowledges the various cooperate social responsibilities the company has contributed to his subjects since the adoption of Kabumbu school school by airtel in Mwansabombwe.

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