African Media told not to rush in using AI

By MacPherson Mukuka

A Senegalese Media Executive and Entrepreneur has advised African media not to rush to adopt the use of Artificial Intelligence AI in their day to day production.

LABEL TV Group Chairman, MACTAR SILLA says while the global trends in media production are tilting towards AI, African media must adequately examine the threats and advantages of the technology before adopting it.

Speaking to Journalists on the sidelines of the ongoing African Union of Broadcasting Summit on AI, in Yaoundé, Dr. SILLA said Africa must not be coerced but instead grow home solutions and move at its own pace.

But, SOLSON Media Group Chief Executive Officer SHOLA AJAY said the delay by African media to adopt AI is hindering media development and growth.

In a separate interview, Mr. AJAY said there is no reason for African media to lag behind in developing AI tools when it has all the resources to take the lead.

And, Somalia Ministry of Information, culture and tourism Director General ABDULLAHI DU’ALE said AI is an important tool to consider adopting as it is aimed at easing the work of journalists.

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