4 Nyimba Men Sentenced to Death for Murder

Four fishermen of Nyimba district have been sentenced to hang by the neck until pronounced dead for murder.

The four that include Pethias Zulu Ng’uni, Oliver Mwape, Jackson Zulu and Cassius Mwansa murdered Gilbert Tembo on 17 September 2017.

Brief facts of the matter where that Ng’uni suspected Tembo’s father of having bewitched his daughter and the deceased was strangled to death after he started defending his father.

Ng’uni organized the three other accused and strangled Tembo when they went fishing.

Lusaka Judge Conceptor Zulu who was conducting sessions in Chipata jailed the four on Monday.

Judge Zulu also sentenced Penias Lungu of Nyimba to hang for murder and 30 years for aggravated robbery.

Lungu was charged with murder and aggravated robbery after he robbed

John Banda of his motorbike worthy K11, 500 before killing him on September 26, 2017.

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