23-Year Old Mansa Man Arrested for Defiling 13-Year Old Girl

A 23 year old man of Mansa has been arrested for allegedly defiling a 13 year old girl.

Provincial Commissioner of Police Elias Chushi has identified the suspect as Alfred Bwalya of Mubili Village in Chief Kalaba’s Chiefdom.

He said the incident is alleged to have happened on 17th October, 2018 when the suspect took advantage of the victim after realising the mother was not available.

“The incident happened on 17th October, 2018 around 10:00 hours, the victim’s mother, 32, left the victim in the company of her young brother, 10, at home and the suspect Alfred Bwalya, who lives in the same village and not related to the victim’s family, took advantage of the absence  of the victim’s parents, dragged the victim who was playing outside the house to a nearby bush within the vicinity of the victim’s parents house and defiled her,” Chushi stated.

Chushi explained that the young brother to the victim only aged 10 watched helplessly as the suspect defiled the 13 year old girl.

He said the defiler was then later arrested by the Community Crime Prevention Unit members who handed him over to Police and he is detained in police custody.

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