Over 1,000 members of the opposition Patriotic Front in Mufulira among them two former Members of Parliament for Mufulira Central Constituency have joined the ruling UPND.

Leading the defectors, immediate past Mufulira Central MP EVANS CHBANDA and first Copperbelt Minister under the PF government JOHN KUFUNA said they have joined the UPND because of their good development agenda for Zambia.

Mr. CHIBANDA cited the 25-point 7 Million Kwacha Constituency Development Fund as a good driver of development.

He said Mufulira is a stronghold for UPND and has pledged to mobilise the party.

And Mr. KUFUNA said he stopped supporting the PF a long time ago because it departed from the values that President MICHEAL SATA stood for.

The two were speaking at NAKATINDI Hall where they were received by UPND provincial chairperson ELISHA MATAMBO.

And Mr. MATAMBO urged the UPND members to welcome the new members and embrace them.

Mr. MATAMBO who is also Copperbelt minister used the opportunity to share the vision of President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA for Zambia by explaining to Mufulira residents some important proposals in the 2022 national budget.

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