ZCF AGM Set On 23 September…As Banda Vows To Defend His Position

Zambia Chess Federation(ZCF) Tournament Director Aaron Banda is confident that he will retain his position at the the elective Annual General Meeting(AGM) to take place on 23rd September 2017.

Banda said in an interview that he would not want to go unopposed in the AGM.

The Chess Expert said ever since he  has  been participating in the ZCF elections, he has never gone unopposed.

Banda said he is not Afraid of anyone who would come forward to challenge him owing to his massive experience in the sport.

“I have decided to recontest my position as Tournament Director. I have no intentions of going for another position.

I like challenges. When you look at the past AGMs we have had, I am one person who has never gone through unopposed. I have always been challenged but have beaten them left, right, centre. Even now I want people to come forward and  challenge me because I know I am experienced and I have what it takes. I am an international arbiter so I am not not scared of local challengers,” he said.

The mandate of the out going ZCF Executive Members came to an end in July this year.

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