UPND Takes ‘Disputed’ Kasempa Ward Election

The Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) has scooped the Kanongo local government by election through a lot in Kasempa District of North Western Province.

UPND Candidate, Titus Nsakanya emerged winner after the returning officer, Milton Sakala cast a lot following a tie between the UPND and PF.

The two candidates polled 209 each prompting the returning officer to cast a lot in accordance with the Electoral Act and the Electoral Returning Officer’s Handbook.

Electoral Commission of Zambia Public Relations Manager Margaret Chimanse has explained that it is by law to cast a lot when there is a tie in an election such as that.

She said the election results are considered valid as stipulated in the Electoral Process Act 2016 general regulations article 48 (1).

The Kanongo local government By-election was contested by the Ruling Patriotic Front and the Opposition UPND following the resignation of area councillor John Kateta.

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