UPND choked!…as PF scoops 12 out of 16 local government seats

. Chimanse


THE Patriotic Front (PF) has gotten a lion’s share of the 16 local government by-elections held on Tuesday scooping 12 out of 16.
And Electoral Commission of Zambia public relations manager Margaret Chimanse said following a tie in the Kanongo Ward in Kasempa between PF and United Party for National Development (UPND) candidates, the returning officer decided by lot as provided by law and in that case, the UPND candidate Titus Nsakanja won the election.
The PF claimed five seats previously held by the UPND while the two parties had tie in a ward in Kasempa.
The PF retained all its seven wards.
PF Secretary General Davies Mwila said its victory was a signal that the party was popular on the ground and was sure of victory in 2021.
Mr Mwila said the PF was taking over the UPND strong holds because Zambians were tired of the opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema’s politics of bitterness and hatred.
Mr Mwila said this at a media briefing in Lusaka Yesterday.
“PF has defended all its seven seats, and further of the nine seats under UPND, the PF has taken five which means UPND only defended three out of nine seats as one seat in Kasempa is in dispute to be determined by Electoral Commission of Zambia,” he said.
Mr Mwila said the by-elections had also shown that self-centered politics of insults championed by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) did not yield results.
He said the party was grateful to the people who voted for the party, especially those that voted for the party the first time, saying that the elected officials would work hard to help uplift the lives of the people.
The PF’s Ujoya Ujoya scooped the Mongu’s Lealui lower, PF’s Towa Ngwira won the Luapula Ward of Kalulushi and In Kansunswa Ward in Mufulira, PF’s Eric Sikananu won while Anania Sakala of PF won the Chiwuyu Ward in Sinda.
Other PF candidates that won were Patrick Mwila in Ntumbachushi in Kawambwa, Richard Chabala of Munwa in Mwense, Mubita Nasilele of Nampundwe in Shibuyunji, Enock Milandile in Mikunku in Chinsali and Brian Singongo of Kakoma in Mafinga.
Brenda Jatwa won the Kalilele Ward in Mushindano and Mabvuto Phiri won the Chiweza Ward in Nyimba.
Other parties that contested were UPND, which won the Mwanza East in Monze, Mushima in Mufumbwe and Mudyanyawa in Mwinilunga.
UPND secretary general Stephen Katuka said the elections were not free and fair as their supporters had been harassed through alleged PF-sponsored violence.
NDC spokesperson Eric Chanda said the defeat in all the contested wards did not leave the party defeated but encouraged to go ahead.
Economic and Equity Party leader Chilufya Tayali said the elections had just proven that PF was still a popular party.

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