Tag: Zambia

MDC leader Tendai Biti was not “deported” from #Zambia but handed back to #Zimbabwe, Dora Siliya says

ZAMBIA’S Minister of Information and Broadcasting and Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya has appealed for moderation in discussing the issue of the forced return of asylum-seeker MDC leader Tendai Biti to his country of origin.In her a latest tweet from her account, @Dora_Siliya, she has distanced Zambia from any talk of ‘deportation’ which she finds…

South African President Ramaphosa to visit Zambia for talks with President Lungu

SOUTH African President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected in the country tomorrow to discuss issues of mutual concern with his counterpart, President Edgar Lungu.In a statement, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji said that President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Thursday be in Zambia for a working visit.“I wish to inform the nation that his Excellency Mr…

25 people killed during 2018 Farmers Holiday from 213 road traffic accidents, Police say

TWENTY-five people died while 78 others were injured in different road accidents which occurred countrywide during the just ended Farmers’ holiday from 3rd to 7th August 2018.Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo in a statement said a total number of 213 road accident were recorded out of which 22 were fatal accidents, 15 were serious injury accidents…

MDC Alliance leader Tendai Biti blocked from entering Zambia in an attempt to seek asylum

ZIMBABWE’S opposition Leader, Tendai Biti has been arrested at Chirundu border post by Zimbabwean security services as he attempted to flee into Zambia to seek political asylumBiti allegedly faces charges for inciting violence over the disputed result of last week’s elections.“He was arrested at the Zambian border,” Biti’s lawyer Nqobizitha Mlilo told AFP, adding by…

Katumbi stuck at DR Congo border

CONGOLESE opposition leader Moïse Katumbi has crossed no-man’s land between Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo with thousands of his supporters who came to meet him.He is currently at immigration, reports the BBC’s senior Africa correspondent Anne Soy.Earlier we quoted his supporters as saying he had crossed the border.On Friday morning, the authorities said…
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