Tag: President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu to visit Kenya tomorrow

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu will pay an official visit to Kenya tomorrow, to attend that country’s Trade fair. Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Malanji announced this at a press briefing in Lusaka today. Malanji said during his trip, President Lungu is also expected to attend a high level business meeting with his host president. He said the…

Egyptian President Postpones Zambia Trip

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has postponed his visit to Zambia citing compelling domestic reasons. Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda said the Egyptian leader had communicated his inability to travel. “Due a compelling domestic agenda, H.E President Abdel El-Sisi of Egypt is unable to fulfil his State Visit…

President Lungu calls for the formation of the Government of National Unity (GNU) in DRC

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has urged DRC authorities to swiftly resolve all elements of doubt that could undermine the fairly successive general election and pose a danger to the peace and stability of the country following the release of the presidential provisional results in favor of Felix Tsisekedi. President Lungu who is also SADC Chairperson of…

SADC welcomes DRC election results, President Lungu says

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu says the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has welcomed the release of the provisional results of the Presidential Election held under the combined Presidential, Legislative and Provincial Elections on 30 December 2018 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). President Lungu is the chairperson of the SADC region organ on politics, defence…

President Lungu, President Ramaphosa Confer over DRC and other matters

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu is meeting his South African counterpart President Cyril Ramaphosa at Dube House, the residence of the President in Durban. President Edgar Lungu in his capacity as SADC Chair of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation is meeting President Ramaphosa over the DRC elections and related developments. President Edgar Lungu is…
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