Tag: Business

TALC: Govt must deport all fake pastors with fake miracles for curing HIV and stopping people from taking ARVs

TREATMENT Advocacy and Literacy Campaign (TALC) Executive Director Felix Mwanza has called on the Minister of Guidance and Religious Affairs to deport all fake foreign pastors proclaiming that they can cure HIV and stopping people from taking medication.Mwanza has noted that some fake men of God have been praying for people living with HIV and…

University of Lusaka Part-time Law Students ask Higher Education Minister Nkandu Luo to intervene

PART-time Law Students at the University of Lusaka (UNILUS) have appealed to Higher Education Minister Nkandu Luo to intervene in a matter were the institution has forced them to attend class with the full time students from 08hrs to 10hrs.It is alleged that management is refusing to give the part-time students a lecturer to teach…

Trade Kings group expands detergent manufacturing with $40 million plant.

TRADE Kings Group is extending its production capacity with a $40 million detergent plant in the Multi Facility Economic Zone.Trade Kings, the leading FMCG group in Zambia announced the investment in new $40 million detergent manufacturing facilities to be located in the Multi Economic Facility Zone in Lusaka. The plant will be the largest manufacturing…

Bird strike on Kenya Airways forces flight to return to Lusaka

A KENYA Airways flight was forced to return to Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka, last evening after it struck a bird on departure.The Embraer ERJ-190, departed shortly after 6pm and returned safely about 30 minutes later for equipment check.And Zambia Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Corporate Affairs Manager Gabriel Lesa confirmed the incident and said…
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