Doctors successfully separate conjoined twins


A team of top Zambian surgeons at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) have successfully separated seven-month-old siamese twins who were conjoined at the abdomen and shared a liver.

UTH senior medical superintendent for Women and New Born hospital Dr Maureen Chisembele told the media this afternoon that Bupe and Mapalo were successfully separated at 16:58 hours.

Dr Chisembele said doctors were currently closing up the wounds and the twins were expected to be recovering in the ICU by 20:00 hours.

“A lot of progress has been made…in fact great progress…the twins have been separated. They were separated at exactly 16:58 hours. However, there is still a lot to be done in terms of closing up the wounds and we anticipate that the surgery will continue for an hour and a half to two hours. We hope by 20:00 hours they will be in ICU,” said Dr Chisembele.

The surgery was led by Prof Lupando Munkonge, Prof Tackson Lambert, Dr Chadwick Ngwisha and Prof Sultanov.

Others included senior doctors Prof James Munthali, Dr Penuis Tembo and Dr Mwanahamutu.

The front line surgeons, led by Dr Bruce Bvulani also include Dr Robert Zulu, Dr. Vernon M Pashi and Dr Mulenga Mulewa, Dr Dilbur and Dr Brown-Oranmore Ray.

Anesthesia was led by Dr Christopher Chanda, Dr Feruza Ismailova, Dr Dildora, Dr Sompwe, Dr Zubair and Dr Mumpasha.

Sisters were led by CNO Josephine Chimpinde, Sister Peggy Mashikati, Rebecca Kamboyi, Lucy Nampungwe, Felix Kamuchungu and Yvette Chulu.

The floor staff included Richard Siambilu and Gift Mudenda.

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