Statement On The Need To Respect Pres. Lungu


January 23, 2018

Zambian DNA have noted with great concern how some disgruntled politicians have persistently and shamelessly defamed President Edgar Lungu by referring to him as ‘corrupt and a thief’.

It’s also surprising that the said politicians have taken turns to disrespect the Office of the President and the person who occupies it, yet they are aspiring to occupy the same highest office in the land.

However, we call upon the Police, whose mandate is to maintain law and order, to move in and arrest the culprits as a deterrent to would-be offenders.

We are of the view that the growing trend to disrespect the Head of State if left unchecked, then the country risks eroding the respect for the elderly and leaders as our African traditions and norms.

There is need to not only respect, protect and defend the Office of the President and the person who occupies it, ensure no-one brings the name of the President into disrepute, ridicule and contempt, but also to put an end to this unZambian,primitive and uncivilized politics of insults.

We urge all Zambians to ignore the foul-mouthed politicians, who are full of nothing but bitterness, and rally behind President Lungu as he has demonstrated good qualities of leadership.

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