State House PS, Chilubanama, Sends Thugs To Clobber Kamanga

KamangaState House permanent secretary Emmanuel Chilubanama today instructed ruling Patriotic Front cadres to clobber FAZ president Andrew Kamanga, an instruction they effected at a United Church of Zambia (UCZ) church event in Lusaka.

While President Edgar Lungu is preaching peace, his advisors are seemingly pulling in a different direction issuing illegal instructions to cadres to sort out on individuals they suspect to be sympathisers of the opposition.

In a calculated move that is being engineered by a PF group wanting corrupt Kalusha Bwalya to return as FAZ president, a video was recently circulated on social media purporting that Kamanga had attended UPND president Hakainde Hichilema’s press briefing in the aftermath of the disputed August 11 elections.

Kamanga has denied being the person in the video and stated he was non partisan as required by FIFA statutes.

However, today cadres sent by Chilubanama, as confirmed by our PF sources, pounced on Kamanga after a church event. Kamanga confirmed he was attacked but did not know who could have sent the cadres.

“I had just gone to greet the Republican President Edgar Lungu at the event. But when leaving the function after the event, cadres pounced on me. They accused me of trying to undermine the President. They beat me up, broke my glasses and I had to run back into the church building for safety.”

When asked if police had been present when he was being beaten Kamanga responded, “Yes, but they just watched. I think the thugs were hired.”

Kamanga has since reported the matter to Woodlands police station. Disgraced former FAZ president Kalusha Bwalya who recent sunk very low, from a 1988 African Footballer of the Year, to a campaign BIG NUMBER tool has not recovered from his loss and is using his State House access to get at Kamanga.

Kalusha is hoping to return to FAZ to continue plundering the association with impunity but must use every means to get rid of the incumbent.

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